Adult Therapy

The Speech Therapy Centre is a specialist centre for impairments related to neurological conditions and injury and provides highly specialist speech, language, communication and swallowing therapy services for all adult client groups. 

We are specialists in communication difficulties associated with acquired disorders, such as stroke or brain injury, and progressive disorders, such as Motor Neurone Disease and Parkinsons. Our experienced Speech and Language Therapists have also worked extensively on issues such as Voice, Dysfluency (stammering), feeding and swallowing.

We always work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, liaising with other healthcare professionals to provide a consistent and relevant programme of therapy.  In addition, we will meet with your family and carers as they are an integral part of your support network.

Throughout therapy, your communication needs will change and progress, which is why we will regularly review and update our aims and use a variety of therapeutic tools to achieve the best possible results.

We understand that communication difficulties can have a far-reaching impact on an individual’s social, economic and career opportunities, as well as on their personal relationships. With this in mind, we offer specialist skills in self-esteem and confidence, as well as a number of training opportunities. The Centre is also a specialist in computer-based therapy for aphasia.

Whatever your requirements, you can rely on The Speech Therapy Centre to provide a service that is professional, accessible, friendly and respectful of your individual feelings and circumstances.